We are not against anyone, but we are for equity. -Joseph Gould, Jr.
It seems very few DBE managers are serious about helping a small business grow. Their primary concern is that prime contractors get work started on time in a s way that will satisfy the DBE goal, even it means giving work to the same few DBE firms over and over.
DBE directors, managers, or liaison has little to no interest in helping a small business with bonding, building capacity, accessing capital and small business loans, or connecting them with meaningful contracts. Of course, some of them do not have the power needed – often policy is made by people above them, ensuring they are little more than a mouthpiece.
Do you agree or disagree?
Visit DGAI Blogs page and learn more at www.persistencelane.com. Also, visit the Products Page by Author, Debra W. Gould, MS and newest book release entitled "
Strength Through the Challenge at www.persistencelane.com.
Debra W. Gould, MS
President & CEO Debra Gould & Associates, Inc.
Telephone: (504) 244-6576
Email: djgould@gouldassoc.com
Website: www.gouldassoc.com
Positive Persistence Beats Resistance Every Time!
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